Who we are

Good Shepherd is a church plant out of Downtown Presbyterian Church. We started gathering for worship in February 2025.

We aren’t a group of good people who get together to pat each other on the back for being awesome. We’re a group of broken, needy people who gather around Jesus, the one who came to forgive us and who promises to make all things new. No matter who you are, you’re welcome to join us as we celebrate the Good News of Jesus. 

What we believe

What is “the Good News of Jesus”? We talk about this a lot. In fact, it’s our most prized possession as a church. But what exactly is the Good News of Jesus? The Good News (Gospel) is what God has done to restore all things to himself through Jesus Christ. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we are made beloved children of God by faith, and we live now with the hope of a future when God will renew all things, including us, and make everything right. This Good News is our favorite thing to talk about, and it’s the center of everything we do.  “Cheer up! You're a worse sinner than you ever dared imagine, and you're more loved than you ever dared hope.” 

― Jack Miller

Good Shepherd is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Our Staff